About Me

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United Kingdom
I am a firm believer that until we start treating children with respect and meeting there needs as and when they arrive we will never save the planet. When needs go unmet in a baby small child we create a great longing that can be used by the goverment and commerce to control people all their lives.

Friday 13 July 2007

How true is this for you

"When we have Children we are woken to our childhood pain and either work on healing or we inflict it on them". JAW
Parenting is something we are all exposed to, we were parented and maybe latter in our lives we became/will become parents ourselves. In modern society parenting is show as something that has to be endured.


Annelie said...

This is really true for me.
Becoming a mother brought up loads of unresolved issues surrounding my adoption and upbringing and I have tried to use this as raw material for my life and art.
I sing,play djembe,make all sorts of things with whatever's to hand to express and explore and work through steps on my journey.
I am totally commited to allowing myself and my child to blossom and experience ourselves fully.
This healing,love and energy enables us to be more present to take our part in looking after and loving Mother Earth
Love and Light

mamakendra said...

I love your philosophy!

Sandra Dodd said...

Luckily for my kids (and for me), I had friends help me see how wounded I was before I had children. I went to a group called Adult Children of Alcoholics for four years and some, starting just before I got pregnant, and the meeting place/time I had gone to dissolved when my second child was just walking.

La Leche League helped me too, and hanging around with other unschooling parents (on that I lucked out, also).


liz said...

It happened for me the second my first child was born. Unfortunately with a first child you tend to listen too much to other people who've done it before assuming they know best. When I had my second child 16 years later the need to have him close to me was overwhelming, arms length was waaaay too far away. From those two beginnings my parenting, of myself as well as them, has grown to what it is today. And I just know I'm going to be such a cool grandma:-)